

        This is our story. In 1999, my mother and aunt was driving to visit a friend who lived hours away, when suddenly they got a flat tire. They knew nothing about changing a flat tire, so they sat there praying to God for help. Suddenly, a car pulled off behind them. God had answered their prayer because He is faithful!

        A stranger named Larry stopped and not only changed the flat tire but Larry went the extra mile and followed my mom and aunt to their destination! Larry made sure, they made it there safe. Larry was like an angel, special in many ways. Larry was crippled. He could have used his handicap as an excuse to past them by, but no, Larry stopped and helped two stranded women on that interstate highway. Thank you Larry. We will never forget you.

        So in 2005, these two loving sisters had a vision and idea about how people could honor family members and special people like Larry. This idea came to life 15 years later in the middle of the pandemic in 2020 and became a Registered Brand by the name of NEVER4GETYOU®. Yes, God made it happen. NEVER4GETYOU is an online retail store for people to tell family, friends, lovers, mentors, hero's, religious leaders, co-workers, educators, and others, how they feel and appreciate them. It's another way to "tell the world about someone special" through wearing printed clothing or giving gifts with printed slogans sealed with those unforgettable words, "NEVER4GETYOU."  

We are grateful to God to share this vision with the world. Thank you for your support. N4GY.
